SADP stands for Search Active Devices Protocol.Hikvision have now launched a new Mac version of SADP.It is free to download - link at the bottom of this post.By default SADP opens in a small pop-up view - you'll need to maximise it to full screen size to see all the info without a lot of sideways scrolling.full serial number, current firmware version, IP addresses, etc It allows you within that row to see lots of information about the device e.g.If you tick the box to the left of the row for any device, it will populate the fly-out at the right with the settings for that device - you can edit them there.It will produce a table showing those devices.It scans your network and looks for devices by MAC address - all manufacturers have a MAC address convention they can recognise as their own.SADP is a basic software tool for finding Hikvision devices on your network.(link to latest version download at the end of the text) Everything you need to know about Hikvision's SADP tool: